- 產品描述
( MOB:楊永漢)
大腸桿菌1-16型凝集抗血清(E. coli)
大腸桿菌1-16型凝集抗血清(E. coli)
【公司名稱】 廣州健侖生物科技有限公司
【市場部】 楊永漢
【騰訊 】
【公司地址】 廣州清華科技園創新基地番禺石樓鎮創啟路63號二期2幢101-103
華支睪吸蟲生活史為典型的復殖吸蟲生活史,包括成蟲、蟲卵、毛蚴、胞蚴、雷蚴、尾蚴、蚴及后尾蚴等階段。終宿主為人及肉食哺乳動物(狗、貓等),*中間宿主為淡水螺類,如豆螺、沼螺、涵螺等,第二中間宿主為淡水魚、蝦。成蟲寄生于人和肉食類哺乳動物的肝膽管內,蟲多時可移居至大的膽管、膽總管或膽內,也偶見于胰腺管內。人不是華支睪吸蟲的*宿主。[3] 成蟲產出蟲卵,蟲卵隨膽汁進入消化道隨糞便排出,華支睪吸蟲卵華支睪吸蟲卵進入水中被*中間宿主淡水螺吞食后,在螺類的消化道內孵出毛蚴,毛蚴穿過腸壁在螺體內發育成為胞蚴,再經胚細胞分裂,形成許多雷蚴和尾蚴,成熟的尾蚴從螺體逸出。尾蚴在水中遇到適宜的第二中間宿主淡水魚、蝦類,則侵入其肌肉等組織,經20~35天,發育成為蚴。蚴呈橢球形,大小平均為0.138×0.15mm,壁分兩層。[3] 內幼蟲運動活躍,可見口、腹吸盤,排泄內含黑色顆粒。蚴在魚體內可存活3個月到1年。蚴被終宿主(人、貓、狗等)吞食后,在消化液的作用下,壁被軟化,內幼蟲的酶系統被激活,幼蟲活動加劇,在十二指腸內破而出。一般認為,脫后的幼蟲循膽汁逆流而行,少部分幼蟲在幾小時內即可到達肝內膽管。但也有動物實驗表明,幼蟲可管或穿過腸壁到達肝膽管內。[3] 蚴進入終宿主體內至發育為成蟲并在糞中檢到蟲卵所需時間隨宿主種類而異,人約1個月,犬、貓約需20~30天,鼠平均21天。人體感染后成蟲數量差別較大,曾有多達21,000條成蟲的報道。成蟲壽命約為20~30年。[3] 亞種分類編輯作為華支睪吸蟲*中間宿主的淡水螺可歸為4科6屬8個種,zui常見的有:紋沼螺、赤豆螺(傅氏豆螺)、長角涵螺。這些螺均為坑塘、溝渠中小型螺類,適應能力強。[4] 螺不能在水內生活,尾蚴不能逸出,而進一步發育為蚴。[4] 華支睪吸蟲對第二中間宿主的選擇性不強,國內已證實的淡水魚宿主有12科39屬68種。
The life history of Clonorchis sinensis is typical of the life history of the reptilia, including adults, eggs, trichomes, nymphs, thunders, cercariae, cercariae, and posterior cercariae. The final host is human and meat mammals (dogs, cats, etc.), the first intermediate host is freshwater snails, such as bean snails, marsh snails, snails, etc. The second intermediate host is freshwater fish and shrimp. Adults parasitize in the hepatobiliary ducts of humans and carnivorous mammals. Insects can migrate to large bile ducts, common bile ducts, or bile ducts, and occasionally in the pancreas. The human is not the only host of Clonorchis sinensis. [3] Adults produce eggs, which enter the digestive tract with the bile as the feces. The eggs of the testosterone ovatus enter the water and are swallowed by the first intermediate host freshwater snails. Within the digestive tract of the snails. Hatchery hatches. The maggots develop into cysts in the snail through the gut wall. The embryonic cell divides and forms a number of thunder and cercariae. The mature cercariae escape from the spirochete. When the cercaria encounters the appropriate second intermediate host freshwater fish and shrimp in the water, it invades the muscle and other tissues and develops into fleas after 20 to 35 days. The pupa is ellipsoidal, with an average size of 0.138×0.15 mm and two walls. [3] The inner larvae are active, and the mouth and abdomen suckers are visible. The excretion contains black particles. Cockroaches can survive in fish for 3 months to 1 year.